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12 Things of Christmas


Ohio+Witte Tavern Vinegar


agate coasters Gold-rimmed Agate Coasters

knitted hot water bottle Wool Water Bottle Cover


Screen Shot 2014-11-29 at 9.41.25 PM The Homesteady

art-of-doing-stuff-karen Art of Doing Stuff

About-Allie-Lehman2 Be Up and Doing


Nick Carbone via Time French 75

IMG_7947 White Sangria

19b5efc24284bcb6930a2bac9265eadd Champagne Punch

grapefruit mimosa Grapefruit Sage Mimosa


Screen Shot 2014-11-19 at 11.22.30 PM Brim Papery

carver junk co Carver Junk Company

Desktop12 Crave Studio

knack gvl Knack

poppy soap co Poppy Soap Co.


bakersfield Bakersfield


dirty franks Dirty Franks

jeni's Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams

kittie's Kittie's Cakes

1279_1364669610 Pasquales


enhanced-buzz-wide-420-1391173346-10 enhanced-buzz-wide-9378-1391175214-18 enhanced-buzz-wide-25179-1391174809-23 enhanced-buzz-wide-9386-1391174712-9 enhanced-buzz-wide-6153-1391173432-16 enhanced-buzz-wide-25187-1391172907-9 enhanced-buzz-wide-418-1391168110-7 Get them here


board butter Board Butter

lipbalmcontainers DIY Lip Balm

Foot-scrub-feature Peppermint Foot Scrub

hpDSC_0200 Tiny Pots

lemon14.5-768x1024 Lemon Sugar Scrub

Homemade-Christmas-Potpourri-Recipe-Free-Gift-Tag-1024x694 Christmas Potpourri

Bitters-3 DIY Bitters

homemade-headache-pillow-8 Tea Towel Heating Pads


f5c7f45a9e6c1df56f521b5d4a84871dwalkinlove_DIYwrappingpaper-comp-2c33e23f8118af574186cf1a6bc9807bbDIY-Christmas-Gift-Ideas-22Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 12.07.44 AMfacd78dc159d454f9dae2943896ba3fbdb15bfacb059b9804a75cfe2353ef846a88cbad720bb1bcfc9c3d3bc1a1b8695ec4a930aa8916b1600c7d34e821c5b7df25c8113be1f065c4bf1e29b8efef6d8


02e9568f7fe67df81eb2c31b8530f19c 3dfa511bb7e39070f8fc9759f8c17066 6749774e9d1744dad8f49d773c480c66 d378455eace7c97707f79cbae2cc578d 479009cd80e92ec39c375fe11fc33561 04c01a4163515a35e537890f44720198Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 11.41.53 AMScreen Shot 2014-11-30 at 11.43.25 AMScreen Shot 2014-11-30 at 11.44.42 AMScreen Shot 2014-11-30 at 11.46.29 AM


8W1McZuTdD73uJ Perini's Ranch | Buffalo Gap, TX

midnight-cowboy-modeling Midnight Cowboy | Austin, TX

Nestled amongst the curiosities and crazy of 6th Street in downtown ATX, you'll find this unsuspecting door. Don't be fooled by the shady exterior. Behind that door you'll discover an oasis in the chaos, and what I would consider one of the best speakeasy bars in the country. Be forewarned, house rules are strictly enforced and reservations are a must. There is a two drink per person minimum and a two-hour maximum. All of which, combined with the building's seedy past and stellar cocktails, makes The Midnight Cowboy an absolute must-visit.

BrokenSpoke Broken Spoke | Austin, TX

If you're looking for live honkey tonk, real Texas musicians and a more local crowd than you'll find on 6th Street, head over The Broken Spoke on Lamar The drinks are cheap, the enchiladas are amazing and the people are fun, friendly and anything but shy. Come prepared to practice your two-step. This place can make a country music lover out of just about anyone.

shirley-s-tippy-canoe Shirley's Tippy Canoe | Troutdale, OR

Once in awhile you stumble across a place that feels so perfectly perfect you'd swear you stepped into a movie set. Shirley's Tippy Canoe is one of those places. We stumbled across this gem along the Columbia River Gorge scenic route, and I couldn't have dreamed up a more picturesque mountain town roadside stop. If quaint charm isn't your thing, then let's talk about the food. Because...this club sandwich. Ask for a seat on the patio (it's amazing!) and enjoy.

indian beach Indian Beach | Ecola State Park, OR

69357_10100410460236492_971269184_n Robledo Family Winery | Sonoma, CA

A few years ago, we took a trip to northern California. By chance, we stumbled across the Robledo Winery -- and decided to check out their October harvest festival. I could write for pages about what a rare and wonderfully special experience it was, but instead I will simply say this: go there. Eat, drink and be merry in the company of people you love. Raise a glass with people you are meeting for the first time. Let the wine and the moment reconnect you to history and the land and the story of all of us. Skip the big name wineries. Head down the rural road to Robledo. You'll be glad you did.

timberline Timberline Lodge | Mt. Hood, OR

cfiles33831 Main Street | Greenville, SC

courtyardsliderlarge Chicago Fine Arts Building

travel.nationalgeographic Louisiana Bayou

piazza del campo siena Piazza del Campo | Siena, Italy


Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 6.28.22 PM Lily Oval Skinny Bangle ($12)

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 6.30.12 PM Poe-ka Dot Pouch ($12)

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 6.34.25 PM Forged Iron Sheers (Small $10, Large $14)

il_570xN.502196860_a3v8 Screenprinted Tea Towel

il_570xN.477823207_1l8j 14k Gold Hex Studs 

il_570xN.354729303_7aai Custom state stamp 

il_570xN.427539636_6sez Hammered Copper Earrings

il_570xN.229972175 Books Print

il_570xN.602639196_3m4g Pine Root Hair Stick

pBBW1-19329357v275 Fireside Candle (This closely replicates the scent of my much more expensive Henri Bendel Firewood candle)

little-women-01Little Women

il_570xN.664672992_o7x9 Safari Ring Dish

Halloween 2014 | Nevermore Party

Halloween has come and gone, but the photos and memories live on. This year I hosted a small gathering of friends.

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The Handelier was created using $1 plastic hands found at the Dollar Tree. I gently screwed an eye bolt into each "wrist," then strung to an existing light fixture using craft wire (varying lengths) to create the illusion of a chandelier made of floating hands.

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$5 worth of muslin from the fabric store + a couple $1 packs of assorted-size styrofoam balls + twigs from the backyard = spooky centerpiece. (Or corner piece, rather...)

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Layers of dry white and black beans + $5 bunches of red roses and white African roses + an assortment of skulls, crows and white candles from the Dollar Tree + free twigs from the backyard. The wooden half-crate was a $7 score from Michaels, and gets used for various table displays throughout the year.

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These cardboard witch hats were discounted to under $1 each the week before Halloween. Using a seam ripper, I was able to poke holes through the tips of the hat and string them up from the existing light fixture using craft wire. The red bulb was a $6 score from Home Depot.

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No Halloween party would be complete with a subtle nod to the magic of Hogwarts. Bottles were all purchased at Michaels on sale for under $1 each. I will have a future post coming soon in which I plan to share my Harry-inspired imagination station. (So check back!)

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Halloween Party Menu

Fun Fact: Halloween is the second "spendiest" holiday of the year. (Christmas scores the #1 spot.) This year, it is projected Americans will spend $7.4 billion on Halloween. That's billion-with-a-b. (That's also a lot of Elsa costumes.) While I tend to be the token hostess of Christmas, this year Halloween is happening at my house. I set a personal challenge to see how far I could make my demon decorating dollar stretch. Later this week, I will share some favorite finds from various Halloweek shopping adventures. (Dollar Tree, Michaels and the local thrift have become my new BFFs.)

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek guests received last night in the form of a party menu teaser. (My inner ghouly ghoul + inner copywriter had loads of fun with this.) Keep an eye on the #BYOBoos hashtag on Instagram and Twitter for additional party frights and delights over the next few days.
