poppy soap According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Only a small percentage (5%) will ever seek help from organizations, shelters or the police. While shelters provide valuable resources and support for women in need, the experience can often feel dehumanizing, isolating and lonely.

What if there were a simple way to foster a sense of support and community by providing women in shelters with a warm welcome and a human touch? Meet a company that is doing exactly that with a little help from their customers…and me!

I’m proud to announce that I recently became an official Ambassador for Poppy Soap Co., a California-based organic, handmade soap company founded on the tenets of quality ingredients, sustainable practices and giving back to local communities around the country. Poppy Soap Co. makes beautiful, organic soaps using a unique blend of organic oils that specifically address a range skin issues. Not only is their soap exceptional, they really care about the details, from their ingredients to the hand-stamped muslin bags each bar of soap is packaged in to the carbon offsets they purchase. And the good doesn’t stop there.

Since it was founded in 2012, Poppy Soap has been empowering a give-back movement in the United States. They call it the “Bar for Bar” program. For every bar of Poppy Soap purchased online or in stores, the brand donates an additional bar to a women’s shelter their customer’s local community. To date, they have donated more than 3,000 bars to women’s shelters across the world.

On October 16, Poppy Soap Co. kicked off an Indiegogo campaign to raise some much needed funding. The Poppy Soap team is currently working out of a studio in founder Lindy LaRoche’s garage. They’re thrilled to be taking large orders from customers like The Four Seasons, but in order to fill the orders, they’ve got to have the space and equipment to grow their production. With any luck their crowdfunding campaign will help provide the funds to do just that.

More importantly, the funds will help keep the Bar for Bar program alive. Up to now, Lindy has been financially supporting the Bar for Bar program out of her own pocket. As support for the program has grown, the postage is really starting to add up. It’s time to help the Bar for Bar program stand on its own two legs so Poppy Soap Co. can continue making donations to shelters on behalf of their customers.

>>> To support the campaign (and claim their awesome perks) click here. <<<



Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. However, I  will receive Poppy Soap product as a Bar for Bar Ambassador. In addition, a women’s shelter in my community will receive a donation from Poppy Soap Co. on my behalf.